Annual Gathering Meeting (AGM) 2020

Due to COVID-19, this year’s AGM has been totally different in almost everything compared to the previous years. Observing the MoH guidelines we were able to hold the meeting in three parts each lasting for almost two hours. The gatherings were held at Lutheran church. Various departmental heads and the organization program manager gave brief talks concerning their departments and the organization as a general.
Primary department
The primary department continues to recruit more students into the program. Interviews have been ongoing. Since the introduction of the new CBC curriculum class/grade 4 students and below are taking CBC based exams while class/grade five and six.
Secondary department

Transport changes: Students whose schools are within or in the outskirts of Nairobi will be using private means of transport to go to school. Pick up point will the at the NRCF office. The students shall be accompanied by a staff to ensure they are dropped in their respective schools.
NEMIS/UPI number: This is a free medical cover for students. With this number, students can get free medical services in government hospitals. Parents are encouraged to enroll their students to this service by simply presenting a copy of the student’s birth certificate to their respective schools especially students in Jagiet Primary school.
Our form 4 students were able to return to school after a long break at home due to covid 19. We believe despite the challenges they’ve faced in their final year they will be able to make us proud in the KCSE exams.
Secondary programs, SRH and Life Skills were conducted successfully observing the MoH guidelines pertaining to covid-19. Our students were empowered with vital information through the programs. It’s our responsibility to equip our students with knowledge so that they do not lead astray. We will continue providing our students with these programs.
Post-secondary department
Despite the impact of covid 19, the post-secondary department has been able to enroll half of the class of 2019 to higher institutions. Students have also adapted to E-learning as they wait for their institutions to re-open in the future. We believe by next year we will have enrolled all students.
Pregnancy cases have gone up this year. We sensitize parents to keep a close watch on their students but most importantly the students are required to protect themselves from early and unplanned pregnancies. The organization’s mission is to support education and it becomes hard to achieve this if students become parents. Let’s apply the knowledge of Sexual Reproductive Health we’ve acquired along the way.
Alumni department

The alumni department continues to support and empower alumni in various ways. During this year’s alumni gathering the alumni kick off the giving back to the organization project whereby the alumni will be contributing money and decide on things we can buy or support the organization in. A journey of a thousand miles starts with one step and we believe this is the first step for them. Thank you for that awesome initiative NRCF alumni.
ICT Department
We moved our computer lab to Lutheran to reduce movement in Santack estate which is a residential area. The small computer lab has been able to support various activities such as:
- E-learning for post-secondary students
- Research for students
- Email writing
- SRH and Life-skills surveys
A new sponsor-child communication portal was implemented. It has many great features. Students can attach photos and videos and even record videos to their sponsors through the video feature in the portal. Students’ photos, handwritten essays, assessments, and school marks are all in the portal where students and sponsors can track everything.
Programme Manager – Kelvin Thuku

We thank all those who made the food from friends program possible by donating towards it. The team of NRCF staff that ensured a smooth issuance of the food to parents. It has not been easy but we managed despite all the odds.
The organization will continue supporting homeschooling and E-learning until we resume back to normal.
We also thank all parents and guardians for facilitating assessments.
Let’s remember that TOGETHER WE’RE MAKING A DIFFERENCE (WePowerment)