Patrick Kyalo
Patrick is a member of the Human Resources Committee. Patrick has a wide range of experience in the management of human resources development and systems strengthening in Kenya, DRC and Sudan south.
Patrick Kyalo joined NRCF in April 2019. Patrick holds a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology from the University of Nairobi (UoN), Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resources Management from Kenya Institute of Management (KIM), Certificate in Public Relations, Certificate in Counselling and Project Management for Development Professionals (Level 1). He is currently undertaking a Master of Science in Human Resources Management at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology (JKUAT).
Patrick has a wide range of experience in the management of human resources development and systems strengthening in Kenya, DRC and Sudan south. He is currently working with the Christian Health Association of Kenya. He has previously worked with Amref Health Africa (Kenya), OXFAM Great Britain (Kenya, South Sudan, DRC), Intrahealth International under the USAID Capacity Kenya project (Kenya).
Responsibilities at NRCF
Patrick serves as a board member in NRCF and his main focus area is human capital development/management and NGO capacity support. He provides advisory and policy guidance on matters revolving around human resources and institutional compliance. He is also interested in talent development and management, linkages with the training institutions and employment services for placement both in attachment, internship or job placements.
Why he is involved in NRCF
He is motivated to work for NRCF due to the Inspiration to learn and share the vision and mission of NRCF with aspirations to give back to the society through making the children and other stakeholders feel worthy, loved and people with dignity. He agrees that, as Mahatma Gandhi said, “the best way to find yourself is in the service of others’’.