George Odhiambo
Social work is something that George Odhiambo has always wanted to do. Having been supported through his education, and acquiring his diploma in Community Development, he’s now a case manager
Social work is something that George Odhiambo has always wanted to do. Having been supported through his education, and acquiring his diploma in Community Development, he’s now a case manager and happy to serve other students.
He feels he was lucky to receive the greatest gift of his life through the generous sponsorship from Bob and Louise Tritt. He is now able to make a difference in the society.
After joining the programme, George did his Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) at G.S.U. Primary School and later enrolled at Parklands Boys High School where he did his Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE). As a young man, there was always the challenge of succumbing to peer pressure while in school. He, however, was able to successfully graduate in 2013.
In 2014, George joined Mount Kenya University for his post-secondary education to pursue a diploma in Community Development. He made this choice as a way of giving back to the community that nurtured him.
George knew he wanted to impact other people’s lives and make a difference in society. Life in the university taught him to make wise decisions keeping in mind the welfare of others. He is glad that he has acquired the necessary skills and knowledge to enter the corporate world, something he always held close to his heart.
He is now working at Ngong Road Children’s Foundation as a caseworker and he is happy in his job. His goal in life is to improve other people’s lives and he believes that NRCF is the best place to achieve just that.