Carole Patrikakos
Carole Chairs the Local Fundraising and Marketing Committee that assists the NRCF Board in fulfilling its oversight responsibility concerning local fundraising and the visibility of the organization.
Carole joined Friends of Ngong Road as the inaugural Executive Director in 2022 and was elected to the NRCF board in January 2023 to provide cross-organizational input to the Board since FoNR is the fundraising organization while NRCF is the implementer of the programs. Carole’s background is in international education and development which includes volunteer and professional roles with the University of Michigan’s Office of Overseas Opportunities, Fund for African Relief and Education and PLAN International in Senegal, French immersion education, Concordia Language Villages, refugee resettlement, and fifteen years in fundraising at Books For Africa. Carole holds a BA in French and Women’s Studies from the University of Michigan and the University Gaston-Berger in Senegal. In her free time, Carole likes to support charitable initiatives, feed people, read historical fiction, chase two Olde English Bulldogs, and win at ping pong
Responsibilities at NRCF
Role: Carole Chairs the Local Fundraising and Marketing Committee that assists the NRCF Board in fulfilling its oversight responsibility concerning local fundraising and the visibility of the organization. The Committee provides a monthly review of the local fundraising plan, achievement against the target, and marketing strategy to meet the target of local fundraising set in the budget.
Carole also serves in the NRCF Operating Committee which provides oversight and guidance to the secretariat on the implementation of the annual plan and policy changes
Why she is involved in NRCF
Carole is passionate about the unique child sponsorship model as a way to preserve a child’s emotional attachment to their caregiver and provide encouragement and support in a culturally appropriate setting.