By Sallyanne Atieno
Since the launch of the TechMates program back in 2021, we have had over 15 beneficiaries benefit from the program. As of January 2023, over 6 TechMates had completed their learning internships and transitioned to project based contracts while two were on internship. The project based TechMates successfully completed their six months internship and gained the necessary skills needed to secure contract works for Ngong Road Children Foundation (NRCF), Friends of Ngong Road (FoNR), Karibu Loo Limited (KLL) and other external clients. One of the external clients, Lido Nation, has so far recruited over 3 digital marketers from the program to assist with Websites translation and management and act as community outreach officers to create awareness of the cardano eco system locally in Kenya.
As of February 2023, one more intern joined the program under the developer path and we are working on recruiting 4 more alumni this month. So far, we have over 8 TechMates on the Project based contract working for NRCF and KLL. In total we have about 12 trained TechMates and 2 that dropped out. Out of the activeTechMates we have, half of them have an external job with Lido Nation. They polish the Lido Nation website as well as creating new features. Two of the TechMates who are in the digital marketing path have also been able to secure other clients. One of them, Tabitha, is currently working for Vobyl tea as an administrative and marketing person. She is responsible for communicating with customers, packaging, as well as carrying out deliveries among other roles. The other TechMate, Sallyanne, has started working for DirectEd as a consultant/ project freelancer. She is responsible for leading marketing campaigns for DirectEd on twitter, coming up with NFT- based fundraising strategies among other roles. These two are also the ones leading blockchain operations at the Ngong Road Blockchain Lab.
The techmates have goals that they have set for themselves for this year. Some of the goals include becoming more profound in software development, securing more clients, taking additional online courses, applying for masters scholarship, taking software engineering scholarship courses at alx and many more aspirations. We received computer donations from the Safaricom foundation which will be very useful as we plan on supporting over 15 new beneficiaries this year. The current TechMates are already making use of them and we are extremely grateful to Safaricom for this donation that will enable our students to transform their lives. We believe that we are already making progress with the program and we are looking to continue restructuring the program as per the market and clients needs. We are now even more inclined to add more employment programs to see our students and alumni succeed and transform their lives.