Objective: To give children a chance to get out of their slum settings and spend time in a healthy, stimulating environment focused on learning and fun.
Each year in August we conduct a camp for all the children in the program. It is a chance for the children to get out of their settings, spend time out of the slums in a healthy, stimulating environment focused on learning and fun. The theme for camp varies from year to year depending on the circumstances at play. The camp is planned and implemented by the Camp Director with the support of all NRCF staff, Board members, US and Kenya volunteers, and some Postsecondary student volunteers. The camp is only open to the active sponsored children in the program (350 Active chidlren in the program).
August Camp is divided in into four categories;
- Leadership camp: For students in high school who have been selected to be junior counselors. The goal is to explore and discuss characteristics of leadership, using a transformational leadership model. These newly minted leaders will work at all the other camps.
- Little kids camp: For children below class 5. This is a one-day field trip to a special location in the Nairobi area and includes games, letter-writing to sponsors, interactive learning and a special meal.
- Grammar camp: For students in primary between class 5-8 . The goal is to give students their first experience camping away from home.
- Senior camp: For students in high school. The goal is to provide age-appropriate interactive learning on topics such as human sexuality, job skills and how to think about life after secondary school.