Objective: To educate and provide truthful, correct and objective information to our children and teens so as to help them make the right decisions in their lives.
Reproductive health is not just about sex. It is part of a wholistic health program starting from early age teaching values and understanding the anatomy and physiology of their bodies. This education continues when they are young adults to have safe and acceptable access to methods of fertility regulation of their choice and the right to have access to appropriate healthcare services. The purpose is to give useful information to our students so that they can understand their anatomy and physiology well, remain free from unintended pregnancies, abortion, and sexually transmitted diseases.
NRCF launched its SRH program in 2018 when ten postsecondary students were trained by Planned Parenthood Global to offer education to their peers as Youth Peer Providers. The group conducts group workshops with different age groups during the Saturday Programme, April, August, and December holidays when they disseminate the information to the students. We have also partnered with a youth-friendly clinic (Riruta Health Centre) which provides counseling and contraceptives to students upon referral.