In a recent training program held at NRCF, a group of enthusiastic young individuals embarked on a journey to become better-equipped Youth Peer Providers (YPPs) in the field of Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH). This training was held from the 5th to the 7th of October with an aim to add to the existing knowledge that the Youth Peer Providers have in order for them to deliver SRH education effectively to students in the program. The training was carried out by volunteers from the Enkare Oltau Foundation.

Day 1: Building Foundations
The first day of training commenced with self-introductions, emphasizing the importance of making lasting impressions and effective icebreakers, crucial skills for working with teenagers and peers. The participants openly shared their expectations, with many hoping to increase their knowledge of Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) and better manage emerging issues in the field. The day’s agenda covered fundamental topics such as sex, sexuality, sexual reproductive health, personality, identity, self-esteem, sexual orientation, and emerging trends in SRH. The day also delved into gender fluidity, a pressing concern in SRHR, emphasizing understanding and respecting different gender identities and expressions.
Day 2: Deepening Knowledge
Topics covered for the day included love and sex, relationships, components of SRHR, and long-term relationships.
In a group work format, trainees were divided into four groups to discuss and present specific SRHR components, such as STIs, pregnancy, teen pregnancy, abortion, adolescent SRH, and contraception and family planning. The practical highlight of the day was a demonstration of self-testing kits, which was a new learning experience for all participants. This demonstration inspired a request for more kits and discussions on collaborating with Community Health Volunteers or the nearest County Hospital for further training and supplies.
Day 3: Exploring Taboos
The agenda for the day covered sensitive topics, including masturbation, SRH legal policies, SRH for marginalized communities, and mental health management for SRH facilitators.
Masturbation became a focal point of discussion, with the trainees expressing a strong desire for more in-depth knowledge. This day marked the end of the training.

The SRH training provided youth peer providers with valuable insights and skills to become effective facilitators in SRH education. The program empowered these young individuals with the knowledge, sensitivity, and tools they need to address SRH challenges and make a lasting impact. The dedication of both trainers and trainees to create a supportive and inclusive learning environment promises a brighter future for SRHR education and support. Our gratitude goes out to the volunteers at the Enkare Oltau Foundation for taking the time to carry out this refresher training for our Youth Peer Providers.