Jackline was in our first high school graduating class in 2012 and was one of the very first students in our program. After completing high school, she took a one-year program in front-office skills. Upon completing that program, Jackline became the enthusiastic and always cheerful NRCA/Karibu Loo receptionist. In 2014, her pleasant and outgoing personality got her hired by Bimeda, an Animal Health Company, as a Customer Care Representative. Having been very happy and successful in that role, Jackline is now pursuing additional education, courtesy of Bimeda, and hopes to move into a sales position in the future. She lives with her mother, one sister, and a niece and has moved her family out of the slums into an apartment with running water and electricity, luxuries never before enjoyed by the family. Jackline was proudly sponsored by Keith and Kathleen Kale.
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